Title: Amazing Adventure Funnies
Date: Sep 1940 | Number: 2 | Lang: English (en)
Additional Information
Publication September 1940 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
Credits Pencils: Art Pinajian (signed) | Inks: Art Pinajian (signed)
Content Genre: Western-frontier | Characters: Indian on horseback
Comic Story A Story of Tunnel Builders (12 pages)
Synopsis Bob Stevens joins Steve Svenson's sand hog crew as they dig beneath Long Island Sound. Bob proves he can make it as a sand hog when he saves Steve's life.
Featuring Sand Hog
Content Genre: Adventure | Characters: Steve Svenson; Ed; Andy; Bob Stevens; Charlie; Stoaky; Bart; Shanty; Shorty; Lars
Comic Story Stolen Jewels (6 pages)
Synopsis After his mother is framed for a jewel robbery, Bob and his pet monkey Trixy find the real thief, Kate Lynn.
Content Characters: Mrs. Johns; Bob Johns; Trixy the pet circus monkey; Mr. Roth; Kate Lynn
Synopsis Gabby is interviewing film star Hamilton Sinclair when the man is murdered. Gabby proves Hamilton's wife killed him when he finds a pair of glasses at the crime scene.
Featuring Gabby Flynn
Content Genre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Gabby Flynn; Dan; Hamilton Sinclair (dies); Longfellow; Mrs. Sinclair
Comic Story The Flaming Idol (7 pages)
Synopsis Dick, Benton and Redding retrieve the Flaming Idol from the Cave of the Idols, fighting their way past hostile natives.
Featuring Dick Kent
Credits Script: Arthur Pinajian (signed) | Pencils: Arthur Pinajian (signed) | Inks: Arthur Pinajian (signed)
Content Genre: Adventure | Characters: Dick Kent; Professor Benton; Professor John Redding
Text Story A Mail Order Sherlock (2 pages)
Synopsis Jed the teenaged amateur sleuth thinks his pal Old Jim has been murdered when he finds a pool of blood in his home. The blood came from a bear Old Jim killed.
Credits Pencils:? (illustrations) | Inks:? (illustrations) | Letters: typeset
Content Genre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Jed; Harry; Old Jim
Synopsis Briggs' factory is threatened by Devon's protection racket, who hire Bates to become night watchman at the factory and wreck materials but Lucky Coyne catches the men responsible.
Featuring Lucky Coyne
Content Genre: Adventure | Characters: Lucky Coyne; Devon; Briggs; Burns; Bates; Moran
Comic Story Snatch-Racket (7 pages)
Synopsis Terry Taylor and his partner Walter rescue a child who was kidnapped by Spike and Marge.
Featuring Terry Taylor
Content Characters: Terry Taylor; Spike; Marge; Walter
Comic Story Viva El Presidente! (7 pages)
Synopsis Captain Jim is shipping supplies to San Pablo when he is dragged into a civil war against Presidente Diaz. The rebel leader Alvarez and his daughter gain Jim's aid and in the end Diaz flees the capital, Pedro kills Lopez and Alvarez is declared the new president.
Featuring Captain Jim
Content Characters: Captain Jim; Mike Clancy; Alvarez; Colonel Lopez (dies); Pedro
Synopsis After Carter loses his job he tries to wreck Speed's train by sabotaging another engine and causing a collision. Speed stops the out of control engine and catches Carter.
Featuring Speed Silvers
Content Genre: Adventure | Characters: Speed Silvers; Carter; Elsie; Mike; Chuck
Synopsis Dan Hurd and Spider wound Lee Bowers and use his letters to pose as tax collection agents. The Phantom Rider saves Lee's life and exposes Dan and Spider as frauds.
Featuring Phantom Rider
Content Genre: Western-frontier | Characters: Phantom Rider; Dan Hurd; Spider; Lee Bowers; Dan Brown; Thunder; Johnny
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here